May 2021 Catch-up
Life is all about balance – please have a yoga strap ( or a belt ) handy for this practice
Join me for an energising practice yoga practice for your mind body and soul Starting standing with some gentle preliminary postures , a soft floaty squat, moving into a 1 legged balance challenge , high lunge , sun salutations with an added balance challenge, low lunge and a seated forward fold. Moving into supine for a series of leg and hip openers using your strap and finishing with some gentle supine postures followed by a guided yoga nidra Suitable for all abilities
Whitchurch Warriors
An extended live class suitable for all abilities – 1 hour 15 minutes of nourishing , grounding yoga for your mind body and soul. Starting seated with some gentle preliminary exercises to warm up your body , gentle shoulder openers , gentle wrist exercises – flowing into cat stretch , hip openers , low lunge and baby cobra / childs pose combo . Moving into downward facing dog , a cheeky plank, high lunge , forward folds and Warrior 2 , then building into an extended sequence with Warrior 2 , peaceful warrior and extended warrior , leading into downward facing dog and childs pose , thread the needle , seated forward fold , seated twist and boat pose followed by a cheeky core energiser as we head to lying on the mat to finish with some gentle supine postures Finishing with a guided yoga nidra relaxation
Wednesday Warm Up with Tall Mountain Flow
Join me for an energising practice for your mind body and soul . Starting seated with some gentle preliminary postures to open up your body , moving into cat stretch , downward facing dog , plank and transitioning to standing , into side bends , chair pose and sun salutations. Moving into tall mountain flow , a new sequence for you to try out – energising your core as you roll through the sequence Finishing with boat pose and a cheeky core energiser and a guided yoga nidra Suitable for all abilities
Full Body Yoga Flow
Join me for an energising full body yoga flow – a nourishing grounding yoga practice that will leave you feeling fresh as a peach Starting standing with some gentle preliminary postures for your neck and shoulders , side bends , twists , forward folds , chair pose and a deeper forward fold. Moving into sun salutation with a couple of variations to the sequence as we gradually build up the intensity . Moving into seated forward folds and twists before we head to a strong core energiser followed by bridge pose Finishing with some gentle postures before heading into a guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities
Hatha Yoga for your mind body and soul
Continuing on our Hatha Yoga theme – a practice with a focus on held postures – to allow a release and relax of tightness and held tension in your muscles . Although this is a slower paced practice , allowing more time in a held posture can encourage a deeper release in the fascia – the connective tissue that holds your entire body together Featuring some seated twists , forward folds , cat stretch , puppy pose and a new pose – rabbit pose and finishing with boat pose and 2 pilates core strengtheners to energise your body Finishing with a guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities
Morning hatha yoga – focus on your lower back , piriformis and hips
A hatha style practice for you to try today – with a focus on held postures to allow a deeper release of muscles ,fascia and connective tissue within your body. Starting seated with some gentle postures to warm up your body , moving into held seated twists to release through your hips , spine and piriformis muscles , seated forward folds , moving into cat stretch , baby cobra , childs pose , puppy pose , standing side bends then moving into pigeon pose – with a focus on holding this posture for a little longer to allow a deeper release within your body. Finishing with a deep guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities
Lets Keep those hips happy
Keep your hips happy with this practice – with a focus on opening up your hips , releasing tension and tightness and creating greater mobility and flexibility. Featuring some gentle supine postures to mobilise your hip joints , figure 4 posture , happy baby , seated forward fold , cat stretch , low lunge , downward facing dog , crescent lunge , lizard pose , pigeon pose and some flowing sun salutations. Finishing with a guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities
Wednesday Warriors 5 May 2021
Channel your inner warrior with this energising vinyasa practice – flowing between each movement with your breath to create a moving meditation Featuring some gentle supine postures , 2 core energisers , plank , downward dogs , cobra back bend , puppy pose , sun salutations together with Warrior 1 , Warrior 2 , Peaceful Warrior and Extended Side Warrior Finishing with a guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities
Core and More
Join me for an energising , nourishing practice with a focus on those all important core muscles Featuring some gentle supine postures , then moving into table top core energisers – including toe taps and windscreen wipers , flowing into cat stretch , cobra variations , puppy pose , downward dogs , plank , side plank and a lovely balance challenge to complete our practice . Finishing with a guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities
Monday Morning Yoga Flow 3 May
Its a Bank Holiday weekend – and its cold and raining ! A great day to practice some yoga A vinyasa practice today to wake up and energise your mind and body – combining our movement with our breath as we flow through a series of sequences – including seated twists and folds , a table top core energiser , downward dogs , plank , lots of sun salutations , chair pose and warrior 3 Finishing with a guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities
Wednesday Warm Up Yoga 7 April
Join me for an energising yoga practice for your mind body and soul Featuring a short breathing practice , 2 strong core energisers , hip openers , puppy pose , downward facing dog , high lunge with a couple of variations , chair pose ,a super strong forward fold and finishing with bridge pose Finishing with a guided yoga nidra relaxation Suitable for all abilities